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Bretton Woods Vacations’ GOOD NEIGHBOR FUND

Vacation Rentals with Community In Mind

As a leader in vacation rentals, and with our direct involvement in town government, we are keenly aware of the struggle that the burgeoning vacation rental industry has created within our neighborhoods, our towns, and among our residents. Visitors are sometimes seen as a nuisance, a drain on town resources and a sometimes loud, boisterous inconvenience. 

We know that is not at all the truth. Most of our guests are respectful, excited travelers who enjoy the quiet peace of our area and are respectful or our neighbors and our communities. However, what you may not know is that a VERY small portion of the taxes you pay make it back to our town. And yet, our towns personnel provides constant support for us and our guest – from ensuring the safety of our homes to assisting our guests should they become stranded during a winter storm or worse, injured skiing or hiking. The North Country is not a wealthy area, and small amounts of money can make a big difference.

For that reason, we launched Bretton Woods Vacations’ GOOD NEIGHBOR FUND. Through this voluntary, non-tax deductible donation, our guests can say THANK YOU to the cast of characters that, behind the scenes, makes your vacations possible, enjoyable and most importantly, safe. We are talking about the communities around us, the police force that supports us, the schools that raise our kids and our next generation of team members.

Our contributions have made a huge difference! From enabling our Police Department to purchase new equipment, to a matched donation of over $17,000 that allowed the Whitefield Elementary School to get a new, safe playground, to our sponsorship of the 250th anniversary celebration of Twin Mountain, to contributions to various organizations New England, including the Weathervane Theater and Lancaster’s “Colonel Town Players,” we have shown our neighbors that we can make a difference. Please help us continue in that effort, and don’t forget that, as Robert Ingersoll said: 

We rise by lifting others
-Robert Ingersoll


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